Meeting Members of the Surgical Dermatology NP/PA Community @ the DID Conference!

It was such a pleasure meeting members from the Surgical Dermatology NP/PA Community at the Diversity of Dermatology (DID) Conference in San Antonio, Texas!!!

Thank you DID for inviting me out! This conference is definitely highly recommended!

It was well organized, content relevant, food was amazing, and networking events/dinners were a blast!

Did I mention this was the first time I went to a rodeo?!

Here are a few pictures of our time shared together and shoutouts to all of you that I met!

Shout out to….

Kimberly Madison, DNP, AGPCNP-BC (to my left) for helping organize this event and being such a great networker, collaborator, and trailblazer!

Terry Faleye, PA- C (far right) for also helping organize the event and allowing me to catch an Uber ride with you to the rodeo!

Joy Green, PA-C (far left) for sharing with me how my ADVANCED SUTURING COURSE has really helped you feel more confident in your skills at your practice!

Ravy Chan, PA-C (to my left) for being so inspiring as you shared how you were able to be a professional, a mom, and being an example of how you can balance the two!

Patricia Delgado, NP (to my right) for sharing your inspiring journey with me on how you became a NP entrepreneur by not letting any company undervalue you over drinks on San Antonio's infamous RiverWalk!

Tristan Hasbargen, PA-C (to my left) for representing advanced practice providers and discussing in your lecture how our role as PAs/NPs can leverage a Mohs practice through our unique skills and talent.

Very humbled to those that I met who are part of the Surgical Dermatology NP/PA Community and love what each of them are doing to empower our profession.

Looking forward to, hopefully, meeting you next in person in the near future!

If you are not already part of this free community and want to be surrounded by like-minded individuals, want to learn surgical techniques and pearls, be sure to JOIN today!

All my BEST,

Theresa Talens DNP, FNP-C (TheresaSurgDermNP)

P.U.L.S.E. Dermatology & Procedures, Inc.

Where we believe in Precision. Ultimate Care. Leverage. Skills. Excellence.

Learn more about the FULL DAY, IN-PERSON WORKSHOP for DERMATOLOGY NPs/PAs on October 17, 2025 (7.5 - 15.5 CMEs)!

Learn More!