SurgDermVideo: Tips to Closing a Tensioned Wound (Part 1)

dermatology nurse practitioner dermatology physician assistant skin surgery suturing course Mar 19, 2024

In this week's surgical dermatology video,  I will review a framework I teach in my suturing course, breaking down steps on how to perform and choose the best suture technique for a moderately tensioned wound. 


I will demonstrate surgical tips to be mindful of when performing a standard elliptical excision with a patient who was diagnosed with a nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) located to her left chest. 


The introduction of the video will discuss undermining considerations, which is ‘Step 1' of the framework in my course. 

Last week, I broke down this topic in depth, and shared a quick video demonstrating this technique.  Here it is just in case you missed it!

Then, I will go over how to perform a game-changer suture technique that I use almost with every closure when can, called the Cross Pulley Suture. This is a technique that you want to learn right away and will help you close a tensioned wound more efficiently with ease!  


Part 2 and 3 of the video will go over how to choose and perform the best subcuticular and epidermal suture technique.

I will be sending over those videos in the next 2 weeks, so be sure you don't miss it and check it out!

I hope you find the content helpful as these pearls will help build your skills to become a more confident, competent dermatology provider.


Let me know what you found the most helpful, and more surgical dermatology topics you want to learn about, by simply replying to this post.


All my BEST,

Theresa Talens DNP, FNP-C (TheresaSurgDermNP)

P.U.L.S.E. Dermatology & Procedures, Inc.

Where we believe in Precision. Ultimate Care. Leverage. Skills. Excellence.


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