Helical Rim Advancement Flap


Have you ever been challenged with repairing a Mohs defect on a helical rim?  Well, this is one of my favorite repair options for helical rim defects!

 Repair: The Earlobe-Based Advancement Flap (ELBAF) aka The Helical Advancement Flap

Patients heal beautifully 🙌🏼 !

Have you ever performed this repair?

Click ➡️ LINK to watch a great video that shows how to perform a helical advancement flap.


• I often use 5-0 Vicryl for epidermal sutures (Convenient because it allows the sutures to absorb and no need for suture removal. Patients have had no tissue reactivity in my experience)

• Removal of Burow's triangle to inferior lobe will allow flap to slide easier into defect and ensure a tension free closure  

• Cartilage DOES NOT need to be sutured

• Ensure you EVERT your sutures where defect repaired to avoid a notch along the rim!

Hope this helps!


~Theresa (TheresaSurgDermNP) ❤️