New Presentation On Suture Technique to Minimize Scarring!
Jan 14, 2024Join me on PA/NP EMERGE for my new presentation on The Set-Back Dermal Technique.
Learn how to improve your suturing to minimize scarring and maximize patient satisfaction.
Don’t miss out on this game-changing resource!
This is a deep suture technique I use for all my surgical patients when I can, and since, I’ve noticed a significant difference in scarring prevention, suture reactions, and overall healing!
Hope you find this one helpful. VIEW NOW
Thank you PA/NP EMERGE for helping me share this technique with our community.
Serving with GRATITUDE,
Theresa Talens DNP, FNP-C
P.U.L.S.E. Dermatology & Procedures, Inc.
Where we believe in Precision. Ultimate Care. Leverage. Skills. Excellence.
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