Video: 2 Suturing Techniques For Optimal Cosmesis
May 27, 2024Surgical Case Study
This week I am going to share a surgical dermatology video reviewing a framework I teach in my course on how to choose the best suture techniques when closing tensioned wounds.
You will learn when to apply two of my favorite epidermal suture techniques I use on dermatologic patients, focusing on meticulous wound edge approximation and eversion. The two suturing techniques are the:
- Simple Interrupted (SI) Technique
- Horizontal Interrupted Mattress (HIM) Technique
Approximation & Eversion
In dermatologic surgery, approximation and eversion of the wound after closure is paramount in order for the wound to heal optimally.
The video will help you understand when to apply either the SI and HIM to help minimize widened scars for your patients.
Approximation of a wound focuses on ensuring the incised wound edges are pulled evenly together after careful placement of subcuticular and epidermal sutures.
Eversion is a technique that creates a ridge along the length of the wound after closure to counteract the tendency for wounds to heal downward and laterally from natural tension, causing widened scars. Eversion allows the wound to anticipate that and avoid those forces. Ultimately, resulting in less scar spread.
Announcement! Suturing Course Opens on July 1st!
If you found this article helpful and want to dive deeper into building your confidence in your surgical skills, my advanced suturing course will be opening soon on OPENING SOON ON JULY 1st!
As dermatology NPs/PAs, learning these techniques are foundational to achieve the best aesthetic results for your patients!
Click HERE to receive updates about the course and save for the early bird special!
Until next time...
Serving with GRATITUDE,
Theresa Talens DNP, FNP-C (TheresaSurgDermNP)
P.U.L.S.E. Dermatology & Procedures, Inc.
Where we believe in Precision. Ultimate Care. Leverage. Skills. Excellence.
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