Watch this TED TALK to improve your surgery skills in derm!

Practice makes progress - but are you practicing the “right” way?

Watch this TED TALK to learn the simple mindshift that’ll help you improve and grow.

My favorite part of the video is when he says, “Lead…lower the stakes for others by sharing what we want to get better at…by sharing our mistakes…and what we learn from them so others can feel safe to do the same”

We can apply his lessons to help us grow in our surgery skills and technique !

Takeaways -

  • Research shows that after the first couple of years working in a profession, performance usually plateaus…we stop spending time in the learning zone.
  • The way to high performance is to alternate between the learning zone and performance zone.
  • In the learning zone, our goal is to improve, concentrate on what we haven’t mastered yet…expect mistakes…knowing that we will learn from them.
  • In the performance zone, our goal is to…execute…concentrate on what we have already mastered…and we try to minimize mistakes.
  • The more time we spend in the learning zone the more we’ll improve. 

Here are 5 Amazing Tips to Help Us Spend More Time in the Learning Zone?

  1. Believe & understand that we can improve ~ “Growth Mindset”
  2. We must want to improve at a particular skill ~ What’s our purpose?
  3. We must have an idea about how to improve ~ Deliberate practice
  4. We must be in a low-stakes situation where the consequence must not be catastrophic ~ Find a mentor or trusted colleague to help guide us
  5. Execute and perform as expected ~ But then reflect on what we could do better next time

Without further ado, here is my favorite clip of the video...


P.S. Share this video with others to, hopefully, bring inspiration to their day.

ALL my best,

~ Theresa (#TheresaSurgDermNP) ❤️

Check out our Website: P.U.L.S.E. Dermatology & Procedures 


Learn more about the FULL DAY, IN-PERSON WORKSHOP for DERMATOLOGY NPs/PAs on October 17, 2025 (7.5 - 15.5 CMEs)!

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